Nokia N8 smartphone.
NEW DELHI: At Nokia, it seems pink is in.
The Finish giant, which has seen its market share plummet in the face of iOs and Android threat, has decide to rest its hopes on a new version of N8, coloured all pink with option to install a "Little Pink Diva Theme for adding some colour into your menus and a great Pink Neon Clock".
In terms of hardware, the new phone is exactly similar to other N8 devices that were launched last year. The only major change, aside from, ahem, the pink colour, is that the new N8 will run on new version of Symbian called Anna. Nokia says that the phone will be introduced worldwide in a gradual manner.
Anna — the one belonging to Nokia — brings some incremental changes to Symbian S^3. According to Nokia, Anna "comes with a faster browser, improved text input, fresh, new icons and the latest version of Ovi Maps."
Sadly for a company that is standing on a burning platform, a pink handset might not be something doctor ordered. In fact, when Nokia recently asked its users "if you could have any colour of Nokia N8, what would it be", pink turned out to be the least preferred colour in the poll result.