World’s Smallest Computer Runs on Ubuntu

fit-pc2-worlds-smallest-pc-with-atom-2 Worlds Smallest Computer Runs on Ubuntu
If you had been wondering what would the future of computers be, the answer seems to lie in their sizes. The future PCs would be smaller, more economical and of course very efficient. With that in mind, CompuLab’s Fit PS2 is already being touted as the world’s smallest PC.

The PC comes with either an Atom Z530 1.6 GHz or a Z510 1.1 GHz. You could choose the one you want depending on your requirements. It also comes with other specifications such as an Intel US15W SCH chipset, an Intel GMA500 graphics, and a a 2.5-inch SATA hard drive bay.

The Wi-fi, 6 USB ports, miniSD card slot and a 1 GB RAM is enough to make this PC quite acceptable in spite of its small size. It would run on either Ubuntu or XP.

It would cost between $245 and $396. I think it would be a great idea to get this if you travel a lot and suffer from space constraints.
Via: Tech Fresh
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