Windows Phone Which are Being Used By Windows Mobile MVPs

Few days earlier Microsoft organized one of their regular annual event based on MVP (Most Valuable Professionals) summit in Seattle.

In that event, right on the Microsoft campus one of the vital MVPs Todd Ogasawara representing Mobile Devices Today, has recorded a short video, in which he asked other MVPs a question based on the Windows Mobile they are currently using.

One of the impression that most of MVPs are using HTC devices is an absolutely misconception.

It does not mean that the brands like Samsung and HTC are not well balanced, but on the basis of that video it has been found that some North American MVPs are using brand like latest AT&T Pantech Matrix Pro, which is only limited to North America yet.

Arne over at The Unwired helps us in providing the information regarding which devices are being used by Microsoft MVPs.

So it is very important for MVPs of information world that they should use a device, which is well updated to help their professional needs.
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